Where can I report a bug/feature request/ask questions?

Please go to rd-runbot discord text channel.

Why a new runbot?

The new runbot was mainly needed from a technical point of view. The overall goal is to improve dev experience even if some ui tweak are still needed.
Main improvement/change list:

What is the meaning of the different icons?

Most of the time a title will help. A documentation will come once everything is fully fixed. We are still trying to improve the icons choice to make their meaning more obvious.

How can I troubleshoot a red build?

The bundle/batch page will help by displaying some warnings. This is the first place to go.

Where is the nightly?

There is a moon icon under the bundle name on base branches. This will be improved to display more info in the future.

How/when to rebuild

There is two different level of rebuild:

Can I retarget a pr?

Changing pr target should be detected by runbot and change the version of the bundle. Old batch will still have the old version saved, a new batch needs to be generated.

Planned improvements